Music Links
Nearly all of the following music can not only be played with a single piano or piano-keyboard, but also with a single accordion, best with a button accordion.
Please enjoy the following presentations:
1. Accordion: A mini-orchestra "to go"...
2. Here you see a symphony-orchestra listening (Vivaldi, 4 seasons, winter)
3. Same Vivaldi-Concert without the Show
Why shouldn't we play this music just by using an optimized PC-keyboard ?
"But why should we", You might ask. The answer is:
Even if real acoustic instruments are the better choice, these are not always available, or nervous neighbours might disturb You practicing.
But nearly every computer-user has a keyboard. And it is much easier to carry around while travelling than e.g. a piano-keyboard.
And besides it enables You not only to play like on a piano, but also like on button accordions. The previous examples might have given you an idea about this advantage. And here are
more examples:
YouTube - Walzer Nr. 2 Schostakowitsch
Eric Burdon - River Deep Mountain High