In a piano keyboard the 12 major and minor keys are organized in hierarchial order.
In the middle ages this musical notation and associated piano instrument represented an advancement with regard to capturing melodic sounds. Nonetheless, a new keyboard and notation system could have been introduced at the advent of Bach’s Well-tempered Clavier at the latest.
However, it has taken several more centuries until Everybody can now try out a corresponding instrument independent from the benevolence of the Church and the instrument makers. These guilds have not been interested in any such changes, shrugging off attempts of reformation with the argument that the innovators must surely be lacking musicality.
We intend to change tune here, in order to counteract these powers and to assign a place for the piano and its musical notation that they deserve: at this day and age they are to be recognized as straightforward and not as all-dominating instruments.
Japanese manufacturers nowadays understand this circumstance and offer a
new chromatic keyboard.
Nobody has to suffer any longer due to the hierarchy of scales, the sharps and flats. During the Middle Ages the Church claimed that “D-flat major” was evildoing. We recall that in the “
Citizen’s Song” of 1845 – during the reverberations of the French Revolution and Age of Enlightenment - we hear “it doesn't matter if 'Kreuze' (=triple meaning: sharp/crucifix/small of the back) adorn us in the front or vex us in the back”
(Translator’s remark: “sharps in the front” means the indication at the start of a line of musical notation that certain notes are to be raised by a half-tone in the piece, and “the vexing in the back” alludes to the pain and difficulty that musical performers experience in learning difficult musical arrangements).